Hello…thank you for stopping by.
A little introduction about me would be good to start with.
My name is Preethi. I am a mom to an amazing son, banker by profession with a passion for photography and art. I have been toying with photography projects since I first got my point and shoot at barely 16. I grew up with LIFE and National Geographic admiring and dreaming of taking photographs that tell a story. But life had other plans and dreams become just that… for a long time, until I bought my Nikon 75 film camera way into my 30s.
Too excited I photographed everything that came my way. I travelled to Egypt just because I wanted to take photographs and with film it was a lot of clicking and waiting to develop later to find out the final results. Eventually I got digital, sticking with Nikon and things went further from there. Having a stressful job, keeping up with a hobby kept me sane and I kept at it diligently. I love a nice portrait and engaged my friends and family for this. This kept my mind active and develop a skill-set. As I delved deeper I started creating a niche and building portraits around mothers and babies and families. This page, created by my blessed techie son, is my gallery of the amazing people and families I have photographed over the past few years. Celebrating life and families is a subject very close to my heart and so helping you create and store these memories is my utmost goal.
Follow my Instagram stories for more current imagery. And stay connected